On Monday, you had the assignment of defending a position that was given to you. Rather then give your own opinion or come to your own decision, I told you what you believe. Now it's your turn. I want to know what you think.
Based on what you learned through the readings, as well as through the class presentations, what do you think should be the direction of U.S. policy toward the terrorist threat? Feel free to use some of the positions proposed in our four options, or come up with ideas of your own.
As with the presentations, remember that your argument will be more convincing if back up by evidence.
I encourage everyone to engage in dialogue with your classmates. Please keep the exchanges respectful.
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I think that terrorism is a threat that will never end. There will always be religeous extemists, and terrorists who want the government of countries to be run a certain, and are willing to kill for it. So, in my opinion, military retaliation is futile. All we are doing is stoping the current terrorist threat. Still in my opinion, the U.S. should find the root cause of terrorism, and team up with other countries to aid nations with poverty issues, and the U.S. should try to end conflicts it may have with other countries diplomatically. Yet, the U.S. should be vigilent of terrorist strikes at the
U.S., to defend the homeland. This option has just as good of a chance to work against terrorism as military retaliation does, maybe even more. The perks of this option though, is that the U.S. is avoiding the loss of lives, and the cruelty of war.
P.S. yay I was the first one to comment!
I think that terrorism is a non stop threat which will never be removed from this world. The least type of terrorism attacks are religeous terrorism and the most I can see is terrorism forced by poeple who want to rule. In my opinion, I think that before attacking the terrorist's country I think we should investigate the main problem and work it out and if it doesnt ressolve you can attack them but if you just keep on attacking them you'll just loose more troops because its there homeland and they know alot more about it. And the reason why I am saying this is because {History Part} The reason the 9/11 attack is because Osama Bin Laden didnt like the U.S in Suadi Arabia after the Gulf War. Well this doesnt really help but If you attack them first they'll just come back at you and hurt more and loose mroe lives. The U.S should just get all troops off Afghanistan and come back and have a Higher base of defense in the U.S. Defence is better than Offense.
International and homegrown will never end and it will always be a threat to everyone. The U.S doesn't know where the root of terorrism is and we take action while the attack is happening. Some terrorist attacks happen because others dont like our religousviews but other attacks happen because other countries dont like our goverment and our political views. In my opinion the military does and doesn't need to get involved. The only advantage of the military getting involved is that there wont be as many U.S citizens loosing thier lives and they have more and better weapons. We should not have as many troops frighting the wars, we should have some prepairing for the next attack.
I agree that terroist will never end ,but that doesn't mean that we should stop trying to stop it. My position is to go in with an assult against the countries that openly harbor terrorist with our allies. I think once we take the countries over we should work with the U.N. to station troops from around the world to monitor the people in case of a rebelion.
I think that my position on the threat of terrorism is what my group defended(collaborate to fight terrorism). I agree with Jan about terrorism being a non stop threat and it will never be removed from the world. In my case, we all would help to stop terrorism but in any case it wouldn't stop terrorism.
I do believe that terrorism will never end. But I think we should never stop destroying as many of these extremist as we can. These people, I believe do not deserve to be on this earth. We should give no mercy to these people. I completely disagree with what I had to defend during our presentation. In stead of wasting are time going to the root causes for their actions we should punish them.
I do not, if you haven't noticed, agree with Jan. Their is no way that we are going to work anything out with these horrible people. George Washington didn't use his freedom of speech to defeat the British... He used guns.
Casey - Some good points. However, what leads you to believe that if we brought our troops home and expanded foreign aid to help end poverty in some of these countries the terrorists would no longer target us? After all, poverty is probably less a motive for terrorists than a great recruiting tool for terrorists leaders. And what about the other issues, like US support for Israel? Should we allow the terrorists to dictate who our friends should be?
Jan - Interesting arguments. What could we do here, in defense of the homeland, to prevent another 9/11 style attack? We were in Saudi Arabia with the blessing and approval of the Saudi government. Would it be acceptable to just do whatever will satisfy the terrorists?
Danielle - Not sure where you stand. Should we fight terrorism with military force, with the objective of destroying them? Should we bring home the troops to defend the homeland? If so, how would they do that?
Will - Seems like you agree with direction that we have taken for the past ten years. I guess the big question for you is, how long should we occupy these countries? What if the UN refuses to support our policies? Should we go it alone?
Demi - How long should we be prepared to continue the fight? What if our allies get tired? Should we continue to fight alone?
Stephen - Should brute military force be our only policy? A growing number of countries - many we count as allies - are growing weary of our war on terrorism. What should we do to address their concerns?
Notes to Everyone - A good start. Can't wait to see what your classmates have to say. Please remember to craft your arguments carefully. Think about what you want to say, consider any arguments that might be made against it, then deliver it as clearly as possible.
Very Important: Proof-read your comment before clicking on publish. Attention to writing quality - grammar, spelling, word usage, sentence structure, etc. - is very important. Remember, everyone in the world can see your comments.
I agree with Casey that Terroism will never end. Now that Osama Bin laden is dead another major terroist will pop up. Terroism needs to be stopped. Homegrown Terroism is what i'm most afraid of. The U.S. needs to lower its standards because Terroists are going to keep wanting to attack us.k Al queada is a network and any country they are based at can rebel against us.This only results in blood shed. WE need to speak out our beliefs on terroism and end it once and for all.
p.s. Terroism is like Al Al queda a never ending network of people who are out to kill.
I think that terrorism is everywhere, people don't know if it's there or not. This is the reason why I think that if the U.S uses any kind of policy;foreign, public, of domestic policy, they will have more methods of fighting the threat of terrorism.
Sorry I meant or.
Also when the U.S really works together with each other plus other international nations, it gives them more ideas of how to find terrorism and dispose of it.
i think that the US should goin forces with the un but not commit our troops to it entirly, and use the other troops left over to defend the american citizens from home grown terrorism and reduce the atacs on the USA such as 9/11. Because...
The UN is not the best thing to rely on to excede because 9 times out of 10 it has failed but we should still use it because it would be immposible to stop terrorims alone because it does not just come from 1 place. (it is wide spred).
i also strongly agree with casey that millitary forces are only solving the attacks that are current and to stop terrorism in the long run we should help other countries and try to solve as many conflicts between the nations as possible so that more of the nations will become alys of the USA and other countries which will not only most likely solve the terrorist problem but will prevent future wars because the nations will have very few conflicts and it will be a vertually peaceful world.
i believe that we should collaborate to fight terrorism. how can anything get accomplished if the whole world isn't involved? if we were to lead an assault against terrorism that wouldn't help at all because for each person we kill another 2 or 3 people are going to pop up someplace else. it will also create more people against the U.S. since we're killing that countries people. so, it will be a never ending process. finding the root cause of terrorism wont help at all either because all you're doing is just finding the root cause. and how is that supposed to put an end terrorism? if we defend the homeland then that means we are fighting on our own land which will bring even more terrorist threats over here. it's better to work with other countries and in foreign nations so we're not putting the U.S. at risk. so for that reason, having the united nations come together we're much better off because every country will have contributed to the decisions and no one will have to turn on us. Casey, if we were to defend the homeland we wouldn't be able to protect ourselves against every attack that there will be and so then how is it supposed to end terrorism. but when we work together we can end terrorism much quicker. and i don't agree how people many people said lead an assault on the countries because that will make more people turn on the u.s. and finally chika, i agree with what you had to say.
i also think that finding diplomatic solutions for the war of terror is an excelent idea because we will lose less live for everyone including other nations because like one of the cartoons that mr. V showed us "we are not the only ones in the world and we should not just care how many americans have died we should care abought how many innocent people we have killed in our reclas attacks trying to kill terrorists on the spot without even caring if there are innocent people there."
Just to give you an idea of my perspective of this.
immagine, you are living in iraq its a normal day your going out to get water and suddenly everything you ever had everyone you ever loved is gone all because of abought 5 people that just happened to be "SUSPECTED" terrorists in your village and it was the USA's fault that this happened because they chose to kill innocent people to try to kill 5 or 6 out of the thousands of "SUSPECTED" terrorists.Then after all that they have done they expect you to help them finnish the war.
when you think about it from that perspective wouldent you be mad at the US?
Well to answer your question Mr. Veliz, i have absolutely no idea how long we should be prepared to fight. For all i know we could be fighting til the cows come home the that is the type of dedication my option defends. If our allies get tired than we should encourage them to continue to fight for a good cause. Even if that does not motivate them, than i still think we should continue because it would be making a good difference in the world that we need..
I loved and agreed with Natalie's comment/question at the end of her statement. I also believe that once you start to think about it hard enough, you would kinda be mad at the US. That's why my position on this topic solve the problem the best because you wouldn't really be causing that much violence (if any at all) compared to just going and killing the "SUSPECTED" terrorist. My option helps stop the cause of terrorism with out hurting innocent people.
To ensure that there won't be another 9/11 attack the United States should / Have to bring back all the people in war and instead of having a great offensive we should focus on our defenceses. Just like what I have said "Defence is the best Offence, well except for Chess"
Well I think since we had permission I think Osama didn't get the memo and used self-defence.
No, but if we get certain ammounts of attacks we can pin-point the base of operations and iliborate it.
Sorry this is a continue of the above passage. Since we have a certain degree of accuracy where the attack came from we reduce the fact of killing many innocent lives.
natalie, i agree with you on the "suspected terrorist" part. we shouldn't just kill people because we think that they're terrorists. before we do any damage we should be positive that they are not innocent.
Demi- i think that your last idea was cool but if i might make a few suggestions and questions about your second to last statement (the one for mr. Veliz).
i do not beleave that cheering on our alys will help us defeat terrorists if they become tired of war. i beleave that if we try to figure out what the terrorists want from us then we might be able to give in to them. but if it an unresoable thing than we should try to turn evey Nation, Country, and State agianst terrorism so that they will have nowere to hide and nowere to stay and then when we find all of the terrorists we shall try to make peace with them but if we cant then we shall ether put them in jail hoping they will change their minds on the aspect or be humainly be put to death.
To Mr. Veliz,
No we shouldn't cause we would be in the same position we are in right now without help ,wasting trillions of dollars that we could have used for something more useful. If we do not have the support of the U.N. we should just leave the scene. We should cause it would help because one of the root causes of the U.S.A being a target is because we are disturbing there home.
I agree with everyone. Terrorism is something that we just can't get rid of. In my opinion I think that people should just stand up and do something about it and not just wait around for someone to attack us. We really need to be prepared and be on high alert for whatever comes at us. 9/11 was horrible and we don't want to have to go through that again. My option that I had was Option 1 (lead an assualt on terrorism). Yes, we should. We need to fight back. Do whatever it takes to defend our country. Terrorists are people who have unknown hatred towards people with a different religion than them, or out of just pure hate. No one will never really know why they decide to attack us. You can never really know what is going through their head when they attack us. All we can do is be ready. But we should'nt have to lose so many innocent men becuase of it. If we have to, then we do.
Terrorism is a very important topic. It’s a threat to the citizens of our country and other countries. Many people have been killed because of terrorist acts. I think that to prevent terrorism in the United States, we should make sure that no one coming into the United States who doesn’t live here has any history of violence. We can try our best to end terrorism in the U.S., but there are bad people everywhere and it would not be possible to figure out whether they were going to harm people or not. I do not think that we can end terrorism by ourselves. I think we would need to work will other countries as well. Hopefully one day we will not have to worry about terrorism anywhere on our planet.
I believe terrorism is a big threat in the United States that has been here for a long time. It causes people to lose loved ones and important values, for example, 9-11. Terrorism to me is when a group of people don't like your government or religion and take it out on you phisically with explosions, weapons, and war. I think we should fight against terrorism with military force if they attack us first. This would let them know that we won't be messed with. But then again if we do fight them it will make th U.S an even bigger target for terrorism.
I believe terrorism will never end. so the U.S should never let its guard down to terrorism attacks. But we should slowly bring back our troops and teach afghanistan military to fight and protect its land against terrorist. Though i personally think U.S. and other countries trying to end terrorism should join together to end terrorism.
Casey - Some good points. However, what leads you to believe that if we brought our troops home and expanded foreign aid to help end poverty in some of these countries the terrorists would no longer target us? After all, poverty is probably less a motive for terrorists than a great recruiting tool for terrorists leaders. And what about the other issues, like US support for Israel? Should we allow the terrorists to dictate who our friends should be?
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