It’s fitting around this time of year to reflect on MLK’s life and work. One question that we often ask is whether or not his dream has been realized. Have we come far enough? Have the barriers to racial equality been torn down sufficiently enough? If King was alive today (he would be 82-years-old this year), would he be satisfied with the progress that has been made? Has King’s dream been realized?
Is it important that we set aside a day to remember the work of Dr. King? What is the best way to commemorate his life? As students, as a school, should we be doing something to remember King and educate the youth of today about his impact on our nation's history?
What do you think? Avoid simple answers. Give me real thought. Read the comments of those posting before you. Come back after you post, and continue to keep up with additional posts until the deadline. I want a real conversation. Invite your parents to read the blog, and they can even comment. Enjoy!
Note: I'm including King's "I Have a Dream" speech.
The Witness: From the Balcony of Room 306
(32-minute film that we watched in class)
The Witness: From the Balcony of Room 306 from Marc Altshuler - Human Music on Vimeo.
Important: Be sure to check back daily as I will be posing new questions and thoughts in the comments section.
I believe that Martin Luther King would be satisfied about his dream and how far it has come. Since back then Blacks and whites didn't go to the same school, Drink out of the same fountain, or even go to the same restroom. It was like the blacks had a disease. Whites felt like just because of their skin color, they we not eligible to learn, read, write, and so forth, and if a black went to school it would be a all black school that lacks supplies. And now Blacks and Whites go to the same school, drink out of the same water fountain, and go to the same restrooms. Blacks get the same amount as education as Whites and are now treated equally.
I believe that Martin Luther King would be partially satisfied. He would be very proud of how far America has come. We came from complete segregation to doing everything together. We have to face the reality that anywhere you go, there will be discrimination. Sadly, the perfect world where everyone loves each other is not going to happen. He had a dream and it still lives on. We watch the speech today; we learn of him, we have a holiday celebrating what he has done for our country. He laid the pathway for things to get better. We are all different in our own special ways, no matter the color of our skin. He said it right "Judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character." If we could all be influenced by his words, the world may never be perfect, but we could maybe get close.
Martin luther would probally feel pretty sucessful of the accomplishments not only of that of himself but of the major progress the American citizens have made. I believe that his dream of equal rights has not been forgotton and that his influence has spoke to not only america but the world in an different way. But by following the guidlines that he has spoken, we had to remeber him in some way (MLK Day), and if this shall not continue, Martin Luther King and his changing dream shall only be a mystory to the future generations.
I think that Martin Luther King J br. was only partially sastified with how much impact his dream has had on the world's people. people still treat blacks like something to look down or less smart than other races. but on the other hand we are arent completely seperated and pushed around as much anymore and friends and relationships are possible without as much critism or harm done to those people as back then. and also they are treated more equally than before.
I believe that Marin Luther King would be pretty satisfied with our world today. I agree with Lillian that our world is never going to be perfect, and everyone isn't always going to get along. But I don't think that anyone can make our world a perfect place to live. I think that we should continue to honor Dr. King on his birthday due to what he has done to our country. He has helped everyone try to get along. No longer do blacks and whites have to be separated. Dr. King made our world a much better place. He would be proud of what our world has come to be today.
I agree with most everyone. I think Dr.King would be partially satisfied about how far our people have come to realize that it's not the skin color that matters, but the personality. I think Dr.King would be a little disappointed though, too. All you have to do now a days is turn on the television and flip the channels and it's garunteed you will hear racial jokes. And, we all know, most adults and even most students judge a person on their skin color, and make it very obvious. I think that yes, indeed we have come very far in creating a racial equality relationship between African Americans and Whites, but we still need to work harder on it. Publically, such as in resturaunts and stores, they are treated fairly well. But when they leave the public, most often they are disrespected. Lillian - I strongly agree with your statement!! The world will never be perfect. But, I think we should work hard to come as close to perfection as we can!
I my opinion Dr. King would not have been satisfied with the current state. In the U.S. yes, one could argue that the segregation has for the most part dissolved but we are not alone. There are countries where racism/sexism/et cetera still flourishes, where not every one has the same rights and genocide is not strange. Even if we as a nation reach the stage of utopia there still would be places of disquiet where the metaphorically blind would stay. And I know what you say: Those are faraway places! Hear Me: we do not live in a vacuum. All together I think, we should celebrate MLK day by knowing it, not just by having a BBQ and inviting your other ethnicity neighbors over. By the bye, racism has not left Florida, think of the Good Preacher who wanted to burn the Muslim books.
I see Jennifer's point. She is correct! We usually don't think of what effects people that aren't us or our friends/family/neighbors. We should look more into the racism issues in other places.
I think that MLK would only be a little satisfied with how far we have come. It is true that blacks and whites go to the same schools and drink from the same fountains, etc. , but I think MLK really wanted a world where Blacks were treated with exactly as much respect as whites. Like Lillian said,a world where we all love each other will probably never happen. Blacks are still discriminated against now, and they probably will be for a while. MLK's dream has not fully been realized. I think it is important to set aside a day to remember MLK. He sacraficed his life to try to get Blacks the same treatment as whites. As Jennifer said, Blacks have lots of discrimination in other places. I think that the world still has a ways to go before Blacks are seen as equals. MLK made the world much better for Blacks, and I think he would be relativly happy with the world today-but not satisfied.
I think that Martin Luther King Jr would be satisfied that blacks, and whites are'nt seperated anymore, and that their are'nt labels for you depending on your color. Martin Luther King Jr has done something that changed America so much, and he should be proud of what he did. And even though some people still are racist, and use racism, it's not as common anymore. But I have no doubt that if Martin Luther King were still alive he'd try to make everyone feel equal, and try his best to stop all the racism.
I agree with everyone, Dr. King would be proud of the progress America has made. We no longer are segregated, blacks and whites go to the same school, use the same restrooms, fountains, share a whole bus. Although we have accomplished all these very important things America, and other countries, will never be without racism. Even now people say racist things. Comedians have used racist humor and has become more common and daring. People no matter how little of the population will be afraid of another race because someone from that persons very religion had done something bad like murder, they fear that person would do the same thing just because they have the same religion. This is happening with Muslims right now. I think that Just having a national holiday for him isn't enough for a commemoration, we need to have a day were we have to devote time to learning about what he sacrificed, just for the other black people and there children and their children's children, like what we did in class Tuesday.
Jennifer - So true. We don't live in a vacuum. We live in a world that is constantly shrinking due to improvements in technology. What is our responsibility, as Americans, to spread a message like King's to those around the world?
He would be proud because their is still some racism but we have gotten rid of most of it. I also agree with Lilian the world will never be perfect just like its people. Everyone does something bad. He would still be proud of the difference hes made I also partly agree with jennifer though im leaning on he be proud of what a difference he made
sorry that anyonomous was me Aaron
I feel that Martin Luther King would be mainly happy with our society today and how different races can be with eachother. There is still some racism out in the country, but most of it has dissapeared. He would probably try to make a few adjustments if he was here today.I feel that once a year there should be a celebration for what him. If you think about it, then what would our society be like today if it wasnt for him? It would probably be different.
I believe that Dr. Martin Luther King would be very pleased with the progress that has been made for African-American rights. We still haven't made discrimination disappear, but I think that is almost impossible. However, from where we were to how far we have come is amazing! He would be impressed with how far we have improved our atmosphere for blacks, such as public schools, bathrooms, water fountains, sports and even discrimination has been reduced significantly.
I agree with almost everybody Dr king would be impressed with how far we have come but he would still be frustrated and work his hardest to get America to where it should be.
one of my best friends is African American and he is just as good as anyone else but whenever we are at Walmart or almost anywhere in public I can see a few people who look down on him and they make it obvious they walk around him like he's sick. but he is very smart and the best basketball player I know. So we have improved a lot but we still need to get African Americans the respect they need.
i agree with lauren, that Dr. King knows that discrimination is a given, but would still believe that we could bring that down even more so than we already have. It was his dream after all, every black persons dream, and even people who arnt black but feel the same way about their rights.
I understand what Duncan said. People look down on others, like they look down on his friend. Anywhere you go, I’m sure someone will have something bad to say about you. It hurts to think about it, but we have to accept it as the truth. It's not just racism, people are discriminated against because of their weight, looks, the clothes they wear, the way they talk, and almost everything else you could think of. I don’t find anything wrong with being individual and different, but some do. Even though MLK was a civil rights leader, I believe that he was really pushing for equal rights for EVERYONE. I am so proud of everything that has progressed but I believe, as I think he would also, that there is plenty of room for improvement. I hope that someday my kids and my grandkids can live in a world more welcoming and loving than the one we live in now.
I looked at 1st periods comments on the blog and a couple of there comments I felt were wrong. They said that we shouldn't have MLK day at all because no one thinks about his sacrifice. I feel that we should have MLK day though, maybe not the "Teacher planning day" way though maybe were we have to do something related to him and his debate with some whites. Just having a day off for him isn't enough, I mean how many of us ACTUALLY thought about him because we wanted to? I know I didn't. If we had, had to have thought about him we would appreatiate what he had done much much more.
I agree with Caitlin, everyone is racist, we are human, not perfect. And racism is very wildly popular. Not everyone says things to be racist, for example comedians use racist jokes all the time, but I dont think that every comedian is racist, they just want to make people laugh. I think that us Americans should be role models for the people who are racist in general, and try to decrease racial jokes, or attitude. Im sure Martin Luther King Jr would be very proud.
well im from first period and i with you guys we need a day of to respect him not just a day off school its a day to apriciate the things MLK did for us
So, overall Martin Luther King Jr. would be very proud although there are a few things that could be a small concern. I still feel that we should have a day off of school on that day, but do at least one thing to remeber his sacrifices.
Allison, Im not sure that even if we do have things to do to remember him that we would necessarily do them. I mean many places had events to recognize what Dr. King had done, but i bet many of us didnt go or even think about going, unless we saw it in the news.
However far we might have come, considering where we started from it is also true that we are far from the perfection that was insisted upon by Martin Luther King. Yes it is true that now there is no segregation between blacks and whites but there is still racism in our country. There will always be racism, but the fact that we are working on it, shows that we are actually trying to realize his dream. Yes i do believe that Reverend Martain Luther King JR deserves his own holiday. I believe this because no other black man (or white man) was willing to put himself out there far enough on the danger line to protect and defend an entire race. In my opinion, he deserves more than what he actually recieved.
I agree with Trevor, Martin Luther King has achieved so many things, and a he deserves a holiday, and us as Americans should rememeber what he did, he stopped segregation between blacks, and whites. We should acknowledge that its MLK Day, and take the time to think about what he's done. He changed History in America.
Lauren S, I couldn't agree more. Dr.King deserves to be recongized on MLK day, instead of people sitting on the couch watching TV. And, I also think we shouldn't have a day off of school, but it should still be MLK day. I say this because, for instance, most students think "Oh yay a day off of school I don't have to do anything!" But, they should be celebrating Dr.King. If we were at school, there is a much better chance we would celebrate the king.
Good comments. Keep it up.
There are also some good discussions going on over in the other classes blogs. Go check them out.
I agree with almost everyone in saying that we should have a MLK day, but we should celebrate it with something that helps us remember him.
I agree with Lauren Stander's and Kassidy's comment.If we had a day off from school for MLK day, most kids would probably just watch tv, or go to the mall, or sleep. I think we should stay in school, and remember all he did for the world. Maybe, if it wasn't for him, people would still be segregated.
I agree with Naomi Totally! Every body is racist, but sometimes people don't mean it. Also, Racism has not "disappeared" But it has Made major improvements on peoples thoughts about people with other ethnicity.
im so sorry i made a typo saying he would be proud of racism. I also agree with Duncan African American's are just as good as everyone else. He would be very porud to see that there is no more black bathrooms no more colored waterfountains everything is shared
Naomi and Caitlin - You're completely right. Racism is very popular, sadly. Many people enjoy those jokes, and it's terrible. And, people still judge others on their skin color. For example, if a black person buys an alcoholic drink, most whites think that person is just terrible, yet they do the same, and don't get judged. Dr.King would be satisfied, but realize that there is definitley some work to be done, but the world will never be perfect, just as Lillian said.
I also agree with Naomi, Caitlin, and Kassidy. Racism is still very popular. But everyone judges people, and I don't think that Dr. King can prevent a thing that every single human does naturally.
Although racism is popular, there should still be a way to prevent it. Even thought sometimes people make k=jokes about it which can be funny, they can still be hurtful too. Martin Luther King is an amazing man who did a lot for our society. We should return the favor to him even more than we already have.
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