Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What does the cost of freedom? Who should pay?

After watching the film A Volunteer Army or the Draft?, you are hopefully thinking a little deeper about the issue. I tried to make the connection in class between military service and sacrifice. Certainly most would agree that those that volunteer to serve in our armed forces are making significant sacrifices. So to are their families.

If the coast of freedom must be paid by those willing to sacrifice - to pay the ultimate price - than what obligation does the rest of society have to pitch in and contribute to the cause of securing that freedom? Does citizenship in our country require - if not legally, than morally - some measure of sacrifice?

We talked about society's that have required military service as a condition of citizenship. Should the United States hold its citizens to a similar standard? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of compulsory military service? Think beyond personal advantages and disadvantages. Consider the impact on society as a whole - positive or negative.

Finally, what level of sacrifice would you be willing to endure? What price are you willing to pay to secure the standard of living enjoyed by most Americans?

Remember, keep comments relevant. Keep the debate civil. And, most importantly, have fun!!


De'Erica said...

Yey. im the first to blog

De'Erica said...

Ok now to answer the question.
Being completley honest i DONT think that i would want to go to the army to serve my country because I dont want to die.

I do think that citizenship in our country is requried to fight in the army because anyone who is in the army should be a citizen of the U.S because if they are not then they could be a terrorist.

momoitin said...

i think that the sacrifice would only be of the army members not the rest of society. Citezens in our country do have to sacrifice a little i gues. They have to pay in taxes, and taxes go to various places. I dont think that our country should require military service. people in this country should be given the right to choose. It is america.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm here.
I believe that everyone should at least be greatful, and appreciate the people serving our country. I don't think that everyone should WANT to go to war as one young man said in the video. Some are afraid of dying..some just arent physically equiped or have the right attitude for the job of fighting for America; unlike those who volunteer. I'll always believe in volunteer armies. Volunteers are actually WILLING to go to war, wether it be for college, the experience, or to serve the country many risked their lives for.
I don't think it'd make sense to force someone to go to the army. WW2 was definately an exception. And another exception would be if we were in DIRE need of more troops.
YEt, still...i think we should be educated about the army, or show our appreciation to those who risk their lives for us, and to those who died for us, and their country. For something they were absolutely passionate about. It's the least we can do. (i think i answered the blog correctly)
Oh and yea, de'ericka is right when she says people who serve in the army should be a citizen. (isnt that required anyways?) Because well, they need to know WHO they are fighting for...
I'd probably join the army if I had to, or if i felt passionately about it at the time (i don't). I'm not really afraid of dying...but maybe that's just me.

De'Erica said...

I agree with adam.

I also agree with Ayana. People should be grateful of the people that are fighting in the army.

I do think that we should have to pay for army needs. I mean it is the least that we could do do since they are fighting for us. But that doesn't mean pay for everyone of their exact needs.
Many people would not go to the army if they are not required to. I like the fact that it is a volonteer thing now then for you to be threatned to come when you dont want to.
I dont want to sacrifice anything not to sound selfish but.......
Like i said before i think that the only price that we should pay is for the army's supplies.
I think that people should join the army if we are despratley in need for people but if not people should continue to join volonteerly.

Would any of you be willing to sacrafice your life? Would you join the army if we were in DIRE?

Pl3ase respond to my questions

De'Erica said...

I wonder what the world would be like if there wasn't a volonteer army

Anonymous said...

If I was drafted I would want go to jail, even though I do want to serve my country very much...I really don’t want to put my family in a position where they worry about me every single second of the day. If I had no one whom loved me so, and was close to me then yes I would defiantly put my life on the line.
And honestly everyone should want to serve their country, even if it means they could possibly die. But I would have to say at the very beginning of our country. We were given the right of freedom, like during the time when we were fighting against the British. It was optional to join our army. So I don’t exactly understand why they started to draft…
But I agree with drafting, even though if I got drafted I would be horrified.

Summer Rowell said...

I agree with De'Erica. I would not want to go serve in the army simply because i don't want to die. I also agree with Ayana and the man in the video on that not everyone should want to go to war. There are lots of other ways to support your country. None of our presidents, for example, have ever been in the army during their terms, and yet they are considered very patriotic! I think that citizenship does require some sacrifice. You cant just take the test, become a citizen, and then start bombing the white house. I dont think the draft would really help. I think it would probably actualy hurt. Its like a 1/200 chance that a person you pull up by their birthday or whatnot is going to be and experianced and a good fighter...

Unknown said...

unfortunately freedom isn't free. if our country needs us then we should have to go and serve, without a question! we at least owe it to our country, i mean common guys! but... this is ONLY if they need us. if we have a bunch of wimps being dragged out from everywhere then our army is gonna suffer and i feel it would be a waist.

now, yall seem to think that it is all about being physically capable, but now that technology has advanced it is often just as simple as pushing a few buttons! i believe that the most important thing is to be emotionally stable. so many people will live through the war and be amazingly physically equipped and then come home and commit suicide. its all in the head.

and if we did draft people then we could put them in the place that they belong. like some that aren't that strong could work in intelligences where they have to use their brain more than body.

now if for the ones that aren't qualified physically either is also the case sometimes. if we draft people they could get out onto the battle field and then just bail; give up! and die right there without doing anything to help our country, yet they still lost their life. i could compare that to murder!

but still, if murder is what it takes to defend my freedom then by all means.

i would be happy to go out and fight for my country if i was asked to. i don't think i would volunteer mostly i feel like i could better serve my country in a different position, like possibly teacher - just an example.

Unknown said...

oh! and guys! he isn't asking if u think that soldiers should have to be citizens! its backwards: do you think that citizens should have to be soldiers. should, when you become a citizen, you be putting your life it the governments hands by possibly being drafted

Unknown said...

and sorry, i know, 3 in a row! but also i think the dude was right. that it is a big problem with a volunteer army is that no one cares anymore, mainly cus they don't have too! i think that the "go army" commercials are headed in the right direction, but that is just kind of getting people to think about if they think that would be right for them. it more advertises the joining, not what it actually is! and that is y still not as many people actually care. what do you guys think could be done to make people more concious of the outside world. or on the other hand, do you think that the way we are is just fine; that people are involved enough or that the commercials are doing a sufficient job of getting out the message? or maybe you think that it is just fine to not care? i have to admit im not quite sure myself which category i fall in.

Unknown said...

guys! answer my question!!! :P

momoitin said...

i think that if there wasn't a volunteer army that the world would be a very different place. If there wernt one, i think that people would be more unwilling. That would be because they think that the armed forces are taking away their freedom to choose. Not many people would want to go into the armed forces. Many people that have been drafted would go into hiding as long as they had to.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, i do think today enough people are getting the message. But there is a possibility less and less people will join..and i know about 5 people who are in the army right now.

Anonymous said...

I have a completly different view than every one. But i do agree with Kelly Annon most of the stuff she typed.

I personally think our government should change the way people come to join them. At the age of eighteen, all people should have to join the military. The people will then show up at a designated area/place so their mental and physical abilities can be evalutated. if they "fit the bill" they will have to join the military for at least two years. And for joining, they will be able to go to a college paid for by the military and they will recieve pay during the time they serve.

This also includes women. Just as it was mentioned in the video, women have the same rights as men so they should have the same responsibility. No ofense to any of the lady peeps that read this blog. The college thing would really help people that cant afford college to have tat oppurtunity.

I personally would not join the military unless my views change when i get older. But is freedom worth fighting for if ur country needs you? If we were in a tight spot in a war(s) i think i would then join.

I think this type of military recruiting would upset many people. But once this type becomes acustommed to us, it wont seem like such a big deel.

I definitly dont want to die, and i dont think ianybody in the whole world would want too. But i would be willing to be injured or take a bullet knowing that im helping my country.

Anonymous said...

i also agree with what Jessica just said!

Anonymous said...

I must say that i agree with kelly, This country is one that was built off of sacrifice, with out those who wanted to defend our country we wouldnt be where we are today.

I do understand that death is something to fear no one wants to die any earlier then they have to. But then again you have this one life to live, why not live it and give two years to the armed forces? I must say that if the draft was reinstaed then i would probably be one of the first girls in line, i would be willing to put life on the line for this country. To me it wouldnt be a matter of life and death, it would be a matter of respect. In my mind anyone who has any part in any service is a national hero, and i would have no problem being looked at like a hero.

Yes citizenship should be a required part of being in the forces,

I find it very disrespectful when someones states that dont even know that we are at war, even if one is not serving in the war or doesnt know anyone in war they should still have the respect to care. Even something as simple as putting a yellow bow on a tree, just some kind of respect, to let those who are fighting know that they havent and wont be forgotten.

Anonymous said...


i forgot to say that i think that being in the forces should be mandatory for anyone at eightteen. I think that with the problems kids face today the army and such would teach kids decipline and prepare them for the life thats ahead.

De'Erica said...

Im here again!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with Jessica I would be horrified to go to the army. Im not trying to sound selfish or ignirant but i am very appreciative of those who are putting their lives in danger and serving the country. I also agrre with Kelly Ann when she said that everyone should be willing to serve the country.
No one cares anymore about the volonteer army because they are not being forced to do something that they dont want to so therefore why should they?

Being completley honest with yourself, do you really think that if you are not being forced to do something that you will get up and do it yourself just because..
Thats just like you doing homework when you are not being required to. Get what I'm trying to say?
If there wasnt a volonteer army then i think that many people would try to leave the country or something just like Adam said. Not having a volonteer army would cause a lot of people to get into trouble.
That is true Kelly-Ann. If there was not a volonteer army then many wimps would be put into the army and that would be a COMPLETE WAIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joining the army on your own is a very big decicion to make!! You should be willing to forget about everything else and only focus on serving your country!!!!!
This would be the biggest resposibility in your life!!!! It is not like the video games you play or the stuff you see on television. You cant just send blink your eye and send yourself home!!! It's the real thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also once you do join the army, freedom isn't yours any more. you are fighting for the country and fighting for your family and everyone else you love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know i said that I would not want to join the army because i did not want to die but i guess that once you sit and you think about it, it isn't so bad. I mean now if you are going to die why not die serving your country?!!?!!!! At least you will be remembered as a hero to some people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please taqke the time to read this!!!!!!!!!!!

De'Erica said...

i agree with Nikki.

Anonymous said...

i read what you just said.
and you basicly explained my whole thoughts on this.

Anonymous said...

Not me. But i do kinda agree with Nikki

Unknown said...

so some of us say that they o not want to go to the army becuase they do not want to die. well not all army jobs put ur life in total risk. i ttly agree with justin, if we got 18 yr old dude that is ttly thin and out of shape, not fat wise, but active wise, we do not want him to be in the army.
i think what another good thing to do if we neede more soilders is that everyone has to go through th training and then if they feel like that is where they need to go thn they go, u could probubly get a good chunk (1000) that would have a heart change and want to go into the army.

Anonymous said...

Alrighty! Lets get some Dave in this blog!

I have my own views, and some that are stuck between Kelly and Justin. Before I say anything, I would like to say that I am not afraid to die.

Ok we should have what Justin said. But not at 18. I would say 22 or somewhere around there. And the person should serve for a year, then after that, then can decide if they want to stay or not. Yep.

And why would you be terrified if going into the military? Can you imagine yourself living in another country? With a different home, parents, probably a worse job, possibly a different language, etc.? I would not mind being drafted into the military at all, just not before I am 22, for religious purposes.

Another thing misunderstood is that not very people die in the U.S. military. Its a conspiracy. Kind of like pop rocks exploding in your mouth with soda. Doesn't happen. Tried it.

But yea. Answer to me.

P.S. Sorry I haven't been on. I keep forgeting. But I will get on alot now.

Unknown said...

wow Jessica. that is really cool! but at the same time that must be really hard...

and thanx for the response!

Unknown said...

k, Justin. actually alot of people want to die. i just wanted to say that. and also i agree with you! i strongly think that women should be able to do all the things that men can do in the army (if i am not mistaken they can not participate in combat)

Unknown said...

i think that Nikki makes a very good point when she agreed with Justin on the after 18 thing. if everyone was involved in the military once they turned 18 and followed the plan that Justin described then ALOT more people would go to college for one! but it would teach them great respect and discipline. it would make a huge affect on our generation; an affect that i believe would be extremely positive. it would also teach them self respect that would hopefully keep them out of drugs and gangs!!!

Unknown said...

Brennan. just curious. what is a job in the army that doesn't put your life at risk?

De'Erica said...

I think that you should be 22 years of age to join the army!!!!!!!!!
Well I have nothing else to say right now @ this point but im sure something will come to me later

De'Erica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thank you De'erica! But what Brennon meant is jobs in the military that put you less at risk than if you were the person going and shooting.


Oh and Kelly Ann, I see how it is. Not replying to my comment. I have only one word for you. Ouch.

Unknown said...

sorry Dave! what exactly do i reply too?! yeah i know they dont explode cus i saw it on Mythbusters? i put your name in my last comment! isnt that enough!

but yeah, thank you. that is one of the things that i said in my blog is that there are tons of different types of jobs that you can do in the military that dont involve just shooting people but all of them put your life at risk (but like what Dave said; that doesnt mean you are going to die - small chance)

Anonymous said...

I'm like dave, i'm totally stuck.
I honestly don't think it's fair if we have a draft. I mean think about it, some people aren't metally or physically prepared to be on the battle feild. I know i'm not. We heard that when some people come back from war, they end up have mental problems from. I'm not saying that people shouldn't fight int he war. Think about it this way, if someone who is totally prepared and is willing to fight for our country then they will be good at it. Putting someone out there who isn't prepared and doesn't want to won't give 100%. Like the video said that we have the army that can be in 2 wars. If it is an emergancy and they have tried really hard to get people to sign up then we should draft and only people above 18. I don't think its fair that in some countries you can't be a citizen unless you are in the army.

As far as me going to fight for our country i haven't given it much thought. Now i don't think i could be mentally prepared. But if i thought things through i might want to.

PEACE, love and happiness are the way to go.

Anonymous said...

I think that having a job in the military wouldn't be as bad as actually fighting with guns.

I forgot to add that,

momoitin said...

to be in the army is different than being in a battle. If draftees run and hide, and they have never been in the army, they don't know what its like. I could understand why they don't want to be a part though. If there was a draft in this country, that would affect its reputation. Volunteerism is the best thing to do because it gives people the freedom of choosing what they want to do.

Anonymous said...

This country gives us the FREEDOM OF CHOICE, they shouldn't pick what we want for us.... by having a draft.

Anonymous said...

Happy SuperBowl Sunday everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with De'Erica on the feeling that I would rather not die in war. I am not afriad of death but I would rather not die. But that's not what war is about. As General Patton once said, "You don't win a war by dying for your country, you win a war by making the other poor idiot (this has been censored) die for his country."

The part on the post and video about having service to be a citizen is crazy. It's not a good idea but there are some ups to it. If everyone served, everyone would have a greater appreciation for freedom and democracy... and realize socialism is bad.

I also agree with Kelly Anne about how america was concieved on sacrifice. It is true that you have to give in order to get. But everyone in the military or having to have military service to be a citizen is a bit much.

By the way:




Anonymous said...

Hi Dave. did you get the cookie I sent you last night?
Happy SuperBowl Sunday

Anonymous said...

Man these days we are getting really into these bogs. Im pretty proud of myself that i didn't procrastinate though...
As for the question, well this is a very good one. One that people are very intense with their answers. It seems that you have to belong to one side of the argument and not even consider the other person's views.
I am very proud of the fact that this country can survive on a completely volunteer army. It means that many of us are proud and willing to serve. But should we take away that right to choose?
The founding fathers asked for freedom. People are diverse in the USA and the country should realize that. What is the use of taking an 18 year old to war- even if he can fight- if he doesnt want to? Its like if you were picking teams for softball, you can choose the people who want to play and can play. Or the guy that could play if he tried but never does.
Also some people are afraid of dying. It is in the documents that started this nation, no one is aloud to scare you or make you feel like you wont survive. Should we exclude the government from this just because it is the government?
Now on the other hand, if we were to hit the bottom of the barrel, desperate for anything, we may start something similar to the draft because when you're in a situation you react the way you need to.
And just as a quick witty response to someone else's blog:
Sure America was created by sacrifice. But sacrifice from people that wanted to sacrifice. Did you hear about loyalists going around fighting for the militia?

Anonymous said...

Kelly, some jobs in the military that don't get you killed are pharmacist, combat anylist, recruiter, or boot camp instructor. There are many more but I just don't know them. And Dave is right that not many people die in the military. It's actually an average of like 2 or 4 a day. And combat also doesn't mean killing someone. Most people just intimidate the enemy or immobalize them so the enemy can't shoot them. If I go into the military service that's what I would do, because it is against my belief to kill people.

Unknown said...

what i meant when i said that not all military jobs do not put ur self in so mcuh risk is jobs like planning the attacks, not actually fighting them and jobs that help the ones that r fighting off the battle field.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to start off by saying that, as Americans, we just don't care or think about those serving their time in the military. You probably do if your family is involved in the war, but without a connection to the war, people just don't care. Why don't we care about the people risking their lives so that we can have one? Why don't we care about those who are protecting our rights, knowing that they might die? A volunteer army has given us the right not to care, but we can learn to care.

The rest of society should pitch in. They shouldn't consider it or think about it, they HAVE to pitch in. That's the only way to show our troops that we care and that we are so blessed to have them. Citizens could donate money, send care packages, write to soldiers thanking them for their work, and list goes on. Families of troops write to them, call them, send them videos, anything they can to let them know they love them. Why can't we do the same? Is it too much to ask, that you sit down for a few minutes and write to a soldier that's risking their life for your's? Citizen in our country should require some measure of sacrifice. Our troops are sacrificing their lives for ours, so we should sacrifice some money or paper and ink.

However, I don't feel that military service should be required of citizens. A mandatory military service would lead to rebellion, chaos, and unhappy Americans. No one wants to be forced into war. Brothers, fathers, uncles, friends, if they were forced to join the war, wouldn't you get defensive and angry? But, an advantage of mandatory military service is compasion. Compassion for people being forced into war. Compassion for friends, neighbors and strangers. Compassion for a country being thrown into war. An entire country joining together for the compassion of others. In my opinion, that's what America is all about. This would be a deffinate positive for society. Everyone would settle their differences to protect what's right.

I'm going to admit, I wouldn't be willing to risk my life for somebody else. The thought of war, violence, guns, bombs, and a soldier dieing in pain sends a chill down my back. That just means that war isn't for me. One day I may feel I want to serve my country at war, but for now, I'm just a kid. I am willing to do whatever I can to let the troops know that I care.

I feel that we Americans live beautifuls lives. You may not feel that way, but I do. America is the country of freedom and diversity. We go through our lives not thinking of others, and how I wish so badly that would change. Our troops are protecting our freedom, our rights, our LIVES, while risking their own. So that's why I say, God bless America.

Anonymous said...

Hey, yeah my last comment is 493 words. Just sayin.

From A period

Anonymous said...

its Eugenia B*#%@!

Unknown said...

o! and yeah i mean i already said that not all jobs put you at as much risk, but like my grandpa was in the army and he had one of those jobs but his life was still at risk. like his job was to intercept radio messages that were in mores code and one night the bad guys came and attacked his camp and he almost died. but he wasn't out in battle so like that is another example of a job that doesn't put you at that much risk

Anonymous said...

10 MINUTES TILL KICKOFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

k this is more like it. yal look on b period's blog and look at how scared they are to go to war. but all of yal see the truth in the situation. yal are pretty beastly

Anonymous said...

Whoa, who knows my middle name? Just kidding.

About the job thing in the war, Kelly is right. While at war, your life is always at risk. There's no gettin around that. But your not at as much risk as you are on the battle field.

Anybody have the guts to read my blog? Not to brag, but it's pretty darn good.

Unknown said...

amen Darin!

and btw Eugenia, my last blog was 629 words! o burn!!!

Anonymous said...

true, i agree with kelly ann that not all jobs put you at risk and maybe that would be better. but if you were drafted do u get to pick a JOB or do u HAVE to fight???
^^^someone answer that.

okay,,, as far as what darin said, people wanting to not fight in the war doesn't make them a whimp, maybe their not prepared.
who is Eugenia?

Anonymous said...

ohhh btw, we shouldn't make people feel guilty of their oppinion towards the army and a draft.

Anonymous said...

We are pretty beastly Darin. Tom, sadly I did not receive your cookie. I really wanted it!

Still stickin' to my views people. I am not sure if I would be ok with killing people...but then again I think that if I don't all my family, and relatives might be in danger, so i guess i could do it. Yep. Pretty much. This is my third moderatly long comment.

We should give soldiers support. And one MAJOR way to do it is to put military news about soldiers and battles on major websites and news stations. Like Yahoo, CNN(which i strongly despise), Myspace and other stuff. You get my drift.

General Patton said "I am a soldier, I fight where I am told, and I win where I fight."


P.S.: Sorry Tom. Cardinals are gross. Thats probably the one view we don't agree with. Gross. Very, very gross. But then again so are the Steelers.

Anonymous said...

America is known as the free country and if it started requiring being in the military, it would be disastrous. It would cause devastation and maybe riots. But, there are a limited number of people who will actually volunteer to join the army, and if we ever ran out, that would also cause devastation. Because of fear of getting hurt, a lot of people just decide to not think about joining the army and becoming a doctor or something, and leaving the army to braver people. But, if everyone thinks that way, who will be left to volunteer? I think if the number of volunteers decreases so much that the American Army will suffer, it would be only a little acceptable for drafting to occur.
Society should honor the people in the army. These people are brave souls and should be looked up to. When people see them when they come home for and occasion, they should tell them how proud they are of them. The people in the army are heroes. Their families are worrying about them 24/7, and if we know anyone whose relative is in the army, we should offer to help them in any way they need.
If it came down to America needing to force people into the army, I would volunteer. I would rather I go into the army than someone I know. I would proudly serve my country in any way it needed. Personally, I don’t think that there should be war, and just peace, but a lot of people say peace can’t be established without war. I am just glad that America is not being bombed or anything like other countries, and America is very kind to be helping other countries out with their problems.

Elliott said...

so some of us say that they o not want to go to the army becuase they do not want to die. well not all army jobs put ur life in total risk. i ttly agree with justin, if we got 18 yr old dude that is ttly thin and out of shape, not fat wise, but active wise, we do not want him to be in the army. i think what another good thing to do if we neede more soilders is that everyone has to go through th training and then if they feel like that is where they need to go thn they go, u could probubly get a good chunk (1000) that would have a heart change and want to go into the army.