Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Slavery: Old News or Relevant History?

I hope that you all found today's activity on slavery informative and eye-opening. But does it really matter that we study stuff like this? Some would question whether or not it is wise to dig up this awful part on our nation's history. Why not put it out of our minds and just move forward? I suppose we can ask that question about all of history. That would not be good news for a history teacher!

We've discussed how Southern plantation owners may have justified their involvement in the institution of slavery. A good case can be made that without slavery the economy of the Southern colonies - and later the Southern United States - would have crumbled. Howard Dodson, writing about the importance of slavery to the cotton trade in 1800s America, says "the slavery system in the United States was a national system that touched the very core of its economic and political life." He goes on to describe how the institution of slavery was interwoven into virtually every part of the U.S. economy at the time:

Each plantation economy was part of a larger national and international political economy. The cotton plantation economy, for instance, is generally seen as part of the regional economy of the American South. By the 1830s, "cotton was king" indeed in the South. It was also king in the United States, which was competing for economic leadership in the global political economy. Plantation-grown cotton was the foundation of the antebellum southern economy.

But the American financial and shipping industries were also dependent on slave-produced cotton. So was the British textile industry. Cotton was not shipped directly to Europe from the South. Rather, it was shipped to New York and then transshipped to England and other centers of cotton manufacturing in the United States and Europe.

As the cotton plantation economy expanded throughout the southern region, banks and financial houses in New York supplied the loan capital and/or investment capital to purchase land and slaves.

Recruited as an inexpensive source of labor, enslaved Africans in the United States also became important economic and political capital in the American political economy. Enslaved Africans were legally a form of property—a commodity. Individually and collectively, they were frequently used as collateral in all kinds of business transactions. They were also traded for other kinds of goods and services.

The value of the investments slaveholders held in their slaves was often used to secure loans to purchase additional land or slaves. Slaves were also used to pay off outstanding debts. When calculating the value of estates, the estimated value of each slave was included. This became the source of tax revenue for local and state governments. Taxes were also levied on slave transactions.

Politically, the U.S. Constitution incorporated a feature that made enslaved Africans political capital—to the benefit of southern states. The so-called three-fifths compromise allowed the southern states to count their slaves as three-fifths of a person for purposes of calculating states' representation in the U.S. Congress. Thus the balance of power between slaveholding and non-slaveholding states turned, in part, on the three-fifths presence of enslaved Africans in the census.

(from National Geographic News)

So were Southern plantation owners right? Was the future of the United States - and the survival of the colonies before that - critical enough to justify slavery? Obviously, we have decided as a nation - as late as it was - that slavery was an evil institution and a regrettable part of our past. So should slavery be remembered as a necessary evil? If so, then how can it we get past the fact that African slaves were forced against their will to be at the center of this horrible history.

Today you heard the horrors that Africans had to endure from the moment they were captured. Hopefully, for a few minutes you tried to put yourself inKunte's shoes - as impossible as that is.

So after reading above about how important slavery was to the economy of our country's early years and after considering what we heard and felt in class, how do you think the United States would be different today if the slavery in North America never existed? Would there have ever been a United States? Would the United States have been better off without slavery? If we decide that slavery was important enough to forgive early Americans for, then we should consider what Lincoln said:
Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.
That probably a good test to apply to ourselves whenever we argue for anything!!

Remember, keep your comments and debate respectful. Be thoughtful!!


Anonymous said...

i believe that this is one of the most important topics discussed when learning U.S. history. not to mention it plays such a huge role in so many later events (civil war, current population, etc.)

Anonymous said...

)i will blog more later)

Anonymous said...

C'mon you guys where are these comments?!

Slavery IS one of the most important topics when discussing U.S. history, compleatly agree with you on that one Kelly. I think that the U.S.'s economy would drop if we did not have slavery. As me and Tom were having a conversation on the current U.S. economy, Tom said "Every time an economy goes down, it always goes back up!" and I replied "Unless it gets taken over by another country.", which applies perfectly here. If the economy did drop, we would either be where we are today, or who knows who would have control over us.

Reply to what you think of this!

Anonymous said...

Well, I as well agree with Kelly Ann, but I think I disagree with Dave. Two things, one you didn't really discuss the topic presented to you as much as you did discuss the economy. And to be truthful it may not always go back up. For example, the Confederate States of America, during the Civil War the government needed money, so they created a pieces of paper, hand signed by the treasurer himself, known as bonds. The bond's value went from 0.90:1.00 to 0.40:1.00 to 0.06:1.00 then to 0.01:1.00 and finally 0.00:1.00! That means if I were to give you 1 dollar to buy a Publix "Green" bag, it would have taken you 100 dollars just to buy a Publix bag. Same thing happened with soap. By the near end of the Civil War soap cost 50 dollars! Soap! They gave out more than 1.7 billion dollars worth of bonds! And for what? A dollar that at the end of the Civil War was useless? I mean really, these people were forced to give their own money to the government and receive a worthless dollar in return. That sounds pretty darn unfair in my opinion. Though today if you come upon one of these the amount of one even fake bond is worth about 10,000 dollars! So what I am trying to say here is that Dave, you are right, then again very wrong. Now, two, though I feel that the need for a 'slave' is awful, I do not think we would be where we are today if we did not have the past. What I mean is, if the outburst of slaves were to not have happened, or any of the awful things in history (e.g. beheading in early England, which if anyone reminds me tomorrow I have a great little known fact on, the bubonic plague, WWI, WWII, etc...), I don't think we would have been able to learn from our mistakes and not let it happen again. I believe if it all somehow vanishes from the past and our memory and all of those who died somehow come back to life, I believe that there is a high potential of it reoccurring. You probably do not know the anger that broils, boils, and bubbles inside of me when I hear poor innocent people were murdered and treated like wild savaged animals. It's disgusting and if anyone was like an animal the whites were. Jeez, I mean, if someone were not an Englander or white man or of the same religion, they'd be killed, taken hostage, or even murdered. Even as recent as 1940s! I understand some blacks were helpful in the capturing of other slaves. But they certainly were a small percentage of African capturing. You know, I never did like the term slave. Sometimes when I boss around my little sister too much she'll cry out,"Mena, you're treating me like your slave!" I wonder, doe she know how it was like for slaves? Does she realize a little bossing around just to take care of some of my chores is something the Africans would have given anything to do? Really, if she wants to know how it is like to be a slave maybe she should read the book Roots, learn about Kunte and his journey. How he had to fight for escapement on a ship that if it were to become free would go nowhere because none of them could steer a ship! She should lie in her own urine, feces, and vomit that has molded after 6 weeks. Heck, we yell at each other if someone forgot to flush the toilet only after maybe 30 minutes. Maybe a little longer. We all really need to open our eyes and ears and understand what we have is a luxury. What we have is a gift that after being captured slaves only dreamed of. We need to read a little on how much slaves suffered and how getting a bad grade or losing our cellphones is not such a large loss. We need to realize. And we need to soon, because it'll catch up on us. It'll creep up on us and scare us. And scare us good.

Anonymous said...

okay, so i'm going to put my 2 cents in. i think everyone mostly agrees that slavery is a very important topic to discuss while learn history. i think that the slaves basically helped the economy become its strongest. (well, not now... lol.) i think without them our economy would have been horrible as it is today and probably would have keep decreasing. i'm not agreeing with the whole concept of slavery because i honestly think that owning another person is wrong and disturbed but it helped this country grow and become powerful. i can see were they were coming from with the not wanting to pay someone to work because they would lose profit in their sales, but seriously there could have been another way than capturing people against their will. these peoples ideas about slavery lead to something that has impacted today. if you really think about it we whites could have been the one enslaved and fighting for freedom. without slavery would life today be different? would we still have african americans here or would they have never come to the americas? these are some question that i need help answering. i'll write more later... i need to think more through. :)
peace yall, love yall lots.

Anonymous said...

i spelt a lot of things wrong up there. :) so keep a open mind if you read it... (:

Unknown said...

Well, in response to Mena's blog... jeez you certainly did write alot didn't you?!!?
Back on topic, slavery is most definitely something children need to learn about, but it is a confusing topic. While owning another person is cruel and dehumanising, the fact remains that slavery was part of what lead us to today's global status. The cotton was the beginning of economics that were successful in America, without it we may not have grown, and the entire idea of a new world could have been a failure for the simple reason it was not making a profit.
One thing that may never be justified in my own eyes was the treatment of the slaves, they could have been a little nicer to them. The accommodations were none, and the way they were handled was sick in a disturbing way. Work was needed, but do you require to have the ground covered in filth, with people dying unnoticed.
so in the end you are faced with a dilemma in your choice of opinion, do i want my country to be as wonderful as it is, or do i believe that the slavery should never have happened.
We cannot change what has already happened, no matter how horrible the facts may have been. We can learn from the terrors, which is why it needs to be taught to the children, and remembered by those who have been taught forever.
Wow, that felt long but it was no where near what Mena wrote, really why bring soap into this? oh well she did have some good points. As did Angel.
See ya guys!

Anonymous said...

I think that the future of the United States of America would be different today if Slavery had never happened. Slavery was very wrong and cruel, but I do believe that without slavery, the US wouldn’t be how it is today.
Even thought slavery was critical to the economy, I think that it is unbelievable that one human being could live with himself. The white people and the Africans were both humans. They both have feelings and emotions and I wonder if the white people ever thought of that. If I was a slave owner, I would feel awful each day and have so much guilt. I would have to set the slaves free. I believe that no matter what the slave owners would come up with or say, it couldn’t justify what they are doing.
Slavery should be remembered as evil. There is obviously no good in it so why would we think that there is? All parts of slavery are evil and the only small part of good that came out of it is that we learned from our mistakes and we know that slavery is wrong. Slavery was inexcusable and the way they captured the Africans was awful too. What if you had been going through the forest for your afternoon walk and it seemed just like another ordinary day, and then all the sudden people came jumping at you with weapons. You couldn’t fight because you didn’t have a chance. You were outnumbered and defenseless.
You would be attacked mercilessly and then slip out of consciousness. You’d wake up in a dark room and hear cries of people. Sooner or later you’d figure out that you were captured. You had two choices: 1) Try to attack and take control of the ship, or 2) Sit there and wait until you arrive at wherever the ship was going. The Africans were tortured and had nowhere to run.
If this hadn’t happened in the past, it could’ve happened in the future (or the present). People learn from the mistakes (most of the time) and without slavery happening back then, it could happen today. If slavery never existed, we could still be living how it was in Colonial times.
It’s difficult to decide whether or not the United States of America would’ve been better off without slavery or not. If I think about it too hard I start fighting with myself. I’ve already stated why it was okay, so my new question for myself is the US would be better without slavery ever happening. I’m trying to decide whether the US would be more peaceful or more violent. It could be peaceful because there wasn’t that violent and painful event in the past but it could be more violent because someone could’ve thought of something else to occupy himself that was just as bad as slavery or worse.
I believe that everything happens for a reason so maybe slavery was one of those events that we must learn from and make sure it never happens again. Maybe it’s just an event that we should remember when we think we have it bad just because we lost our TV remote so we have to change the channel or volume by the TV itself. The Africans that we captured and enslaved had it much worse than any of us do today. Maybe it’s both of those, but I believe that slavery is bad, but also an important event in American history and it’s not just another subject that the writers put in our textbook for fun or just to make it look thicker. It is truly a horrific and important event that no one should ever forget.

Anonymous said...

We cant ignore that slavery happened because it did. It was a terrible thing that had occur, but even though slavery was wrong, some other countries back then thought it was neccesary. For a fact i know that the Southern Colonies were pro against slavey. Alot of plantation owners needed someone to help them get there work done. If the south hired colonists they would have lost alot of money. Think about it, slavery might have been wrong but It also help shape America as we know today. It brought out alot of famous people who helped slavery to public such as, Harry Tubman,Abraham Lincoln, Sojourner Truth, and Denmark Vesey. They fought for what they beleived in and they also helped us right now. Today there are only 5% of the world who are predjudace, and almost everybody on the world love black people, and they made a great contribution to the world. All we have to do as citizens of the United States, is make sure that slavery never happens again and treat everyone with the same respect and dignity that we treat other people. Im gonna have to agree with Mena because there might be a small percentage of chance that slavey will reoccur again, but that does not neccisarely mean that our slaves are going to be african americans. It could be children(G-d hope not, we get enough work at school and chores),different,religions disabled,poor, or even another culture. Angel has a good point because without slavery maybe we would have no african americans in AMerica today. And our economy would decrease, becuase half of our rewards, prizes, and accomlishments came form blacks. I disagree with kelly becuase i dont think that it is the most important thing right now, but it needs to be considered and talked about in every grade level of America.

Anonymous said...

It was my brother who typed that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment on A period blog Darya! Ya'll have some pretty good points. KAK is right when she said that slavery really shaped America's economy. Mena, you wrote a MONOLOG!!!
-From A period

Anonymous said...

I must say that i do agree with many of yall who say that slavery is a very important topic when it comes to history. To me there is no way to justify the way that these people were trated, the way they were brought to America, or the way they lived. No person deserves to be trested like that no matter who you are. I must say that i agree with Dave and Kelly slaves were a main part in the economy of america, and i believe that we wouldnt be where we are today with out it. Now even though there is no way to justfiy this there is a good way to look at it. We as a country have learned from this, we have learned that it is inhumane to treat people like this but it was all that those who lived back then knew. Today the color of skin is still a huge problem but not nearly as large as it was in the 1700's. Slavery has obviously been a lesson to a few of us if only it was one that the whole world could understand.

Anonymous said...

Slavery is one of the few things the US can be ashamed of. Enslaving all of the innocent people and stripping them from their friends, family, and their home. Then we put hem on boats and left them there for days, evenweeks while they were shipped across the ocean only to be taken off and sold to some strange person only so they could produce labor for those people. Even these unbelievable things happened, i believe that the US would not be where we are today. We could still all be living on farms with many sibblings and then we would have to wake up and and go out and work all day in the fields just as the slaves had to do. Even preforming the same amount of labor as they had to do would still not allow us to feel the pain they felt. And im not just talkiing about the facct that they were cramed into boats, had to sleep in puke and pee. Or even how they were pulled away from everyone they ever knew. This is a matter that just deppends on your point of view. U could think to yourself "that was so horable what those settlers did to those poor people." Or people could think about it as if they would not have been there, then we would not be here. Or atleast in the same position we are in today.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Lots of comments.

Mena, I was not talking about the economy before and after the civil war, only before. Also I am way against slavery. Way. Even way beyond.

So, I agree with what you said about us not knowing what is what like to be a slave. Not many people understand the concept of working all day in a field for all of your life, getting whipped, or seeing your family get separated in the U.S. When most Americans are being worked around their house, doing homework, or etc. they think they are being treated like slaves, or the concept(what they think)of being a slave is.

Tune out from Mena to Justin. It was horrible what happened to those slaves. It is beyond horrible. Think of your life without any fun or excitement, and a whole lot of work. I read an article about how if you block a man's eyes, ears, nose, feeling senses, and put him in a strait jacket, he will go crazy and have brain damage after 3 hours. If I all the sudden just became a slave, after a while I think I might just be the same as that man in the straight jacket.

Anonymous said...

well as they say "those who don't know their history are destined to repeat it", and that is one thing that everyone would agree with... that this does not need to be repeated! i would say that the slave owners could easily justify slave owning, and that i don't see anything wrong with having them work for a period of time, and then releasing them to be free. the only problem with that is that is that there is know way that they could be equally free to the whites after being a worker. but as long as they treat them fair and nice that is a perfectly fine way to get that work done. i don't think that owning them was ok. but i don't see anything wrong with having them work in the fields, what was wrong was the treatment of the slaves. it think that is one thing that people often get confused. i also hate that the south has this reputation of being this awful place full of evil plantation owners because i don't believe that that is true - but i mean how would i know, im only 13. but still. i think if yall opened your mind a little more you would realize that though most slaves were treated horribly, not all of them were unhappy with their life. but please! don't get me wrong! i am very much against it and i think it is a disgrace to america... i guess i'm just an optimist... lol!

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with Ann Kelly k. bout everything!!! :)

Unknown said...

Great comments and discussion.

Whatever side you come down on as to whether slavery was a necessary evil in building this nation, it is interesting to see how someone like Jefferson handled the issue. Jefferson was probably the most eloquent voice for freedom and liberty, yet he owned slaves until his death. You could certainly find other examples like this among our early leaders.

In his first draft of the Declaration of Independence he condemned the English crown saying that the crown "has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere."

Sounds like the words of an abolitionist (someone that felt slavery should be ended), but is in conflict with how he handled his own role in slavery as a slave holder. I sure some of these early leaders viewed slavery as the necessary evil, or at least something that could not be ended while trying to establish a new country.

Anonymous said...

Time 4 my statement:
Okay. So slavery was not the coolest thing to be discovered since fire and rotisserie chicken but; our textbook clearly states that the minor industries back then where manufacturing, shipbuilding, and fishing. The main industry of our early country was-
You guessed it: Agriculture!
The southern plantations where the main location of all this commercial farming. They raked in a lot of cash. Slaves worked on these large plantations.Slaves grew and harvested these crops. Slaves made our econemy what it was back then. It wasn't nessiscarily the best choice for the crops. But there is a reasonable argument that with the help of slavery we got to be the top economic dog exporting to everyone.
To make a long story short: Bad, yet somehow good. Good for our country.

And besides it was abolished in the 1800's.
We're not that heartless anymore... Or greedy.

Anonymous said...

I think that slavery is a really big deal! People that were african american were most likely inslaved, and it was very wrong what the southern U.S did. People arn't things to be sold and bought. It's just wrong, but i would have to agree with Kelly "are U.S.'s economy would have probably droped if we did not have slavery". But the main point I think here is, is that we should learn it so we won't make that mistake again.

Unknown said...

wow! i never even knew that about Jefferson! that is like totally low!!! you would think that he is a bright and brilliant as we give him credit to be than he would have found a way to get around slavery. gosh that is really just like oh my gosh! wow...

Anonymous said...

I think slavery is a very imprtant topis to learn about. Like Kelly said, slavery plays a big part in events to come. Slaves were important to economy growth. I still don't think that people should have treated slaves so badly though. Maybe if they would have treated them nicer so many of them wouldn't have tried to run away from their masters because if I had been a slave during those times I'd try to run away too. I'm sure people then could have lived without slaves anyway, I mean, look at us. We are doing just fine with no slavery involved.

Anonymous said...

I think it is actually very important that we study things such as Slavery in the United States because I've always been told that if we don't teach history or don't remember history then we may be at risk of repeating hisotry again. Slavery is definately important, no doubt. I also agree that the nation's economy would have suffered if they didn't have people doing the work in the cotton fields, but even so it was very, very wrong. I still wonder why they had to treat the laborers with such disrespect, adn I still wonder why they had to go all the way to Africa to find more laborers.
I've watched the movie Roots by Alex Haley(almost all of it) The way they treated those slaves was very unjust, and very unfair. I couldn't even start to imagine what they went through, but it still makes us think how incredibly thankful we are (or should be) to have the things we have today.

I think that the activity/discussion we had in class taht day was very important, so we could start to get an idea of some of the history that went into slavory. Although the colonists were trying to improve the economy, I still believe that all the suffering they caused was some form of evil. Right is right, and wrong is wrong.
The history of America would be A LOT different if slavory never occured or existed. I can't tell where we'd be today if it didn't happen. But by studying the history that went into it happening I think it's mostlikely it will never happen again.
I'm sure slavery still has a big impact on the USA today...perhaps slavory lead to race discrimination.
If it wasn't for the slaves that were taken from africa, then i'm pretty sure the colonists would have taken innocent people from other countries like Spain or France or Mexico.
I still can't imagine what it must have been like for Kuna Kintae...finding materials to make a drum for your brother and then suddenly being attacked by people you didn't even know, taken onto a strange huge horrible filthy ship for weeks. And for this to go one for hundreds of years.
I don't know what else to say. Without Slavery we wouldn't be where we are today...we probably wouldn't even consider Obama as a president canditate...and America probably wouldn't even be america.
With Slavery came suffering, death, and tons of other things with it, yet without it alot of us wouldn't be here today.