Saturday, September 6, 2008

Are you a good citizen?

We talked quite a bit over the last few days about what citizenship is, and about how we can be good citizens. While we learned that there are certain steps to becoming a U.S. citizen, we hopefully realize by now that being a citizen of the U.S., or any other country for that matter, does not necessarily mean we active citizens of our community or our country.

So what does it take to be a good citizen? As citizens of the United States, should anything be expected of us when it comes to citizenship? How about required? Should citizens of this country be required to serve their communities and/or nation? Or should it be left up to the individual?

Some countries around the world have laws requiring citizens to serve in the military for a few years. Would this be a good idea in our country? How about requirements for community service? How do we balance the precious right to choose what we want to do with our time with the need for citizens to take an active role in protecting those freedoms?

Finally, how important is it that we as citizens take the initiative to learn all of that information on the citizenship test that we took on Thursday? If so few natural born citizens know that material, should we still require immigrants to know it in order to become citizens?

There is a lot to think about here, so take your time and give thoughtful responses. Teach me and your fellow students something.

I've provided a few links throughout the above text. They may help you think about the topic.

Your comments must be posted by 11:59 pm, on Wednesday, September 10. Good luck and have fun!!


Anonymous said...

To be a good citizen you have to be a good person first. You cannot go to jail often, act violent toward others, litter, or anything else that is considered trouble making. I think that we are expected to help our communities, even if it is a small task, but we shouldn't be expected to do anything big, such as spending 5 hours each day picking up garbage or volunteering. I think it should be left up to an individual to decide how much he/she wants to serve their community.
I think that our country should not have laws for the people to serve in the military. Our country is known as a free country so the people should be able to decide if they want to join the military or not. We shouldn’t be forced to do something we don’t want to.
I think it is a little important to know all of that information. There may be a few times in our lifetime where we will need to know a lot of that information, but if we don’t know it, we’d be in trouble. If immigrants know that information and we don’t, I think we’d look pretty stupid. We were born in this country and they weren’t, so I would be embarrassed if I got a 20% on the test and the people, who just came here, born in another country, got a 100% on it. But I do think that the immigrants should still take the test so that we know they are serious about becoming a U.S. citizen.

Anonymous said...

I believe that a good citizen is an active one, that puts it's country and fellow Americans before themselves. That means voting, being environmentally friendly, and volunteering.
Citizenship comes with responsibility, and i think that is the way it should be. This country gives a lot to us and it is our job to give back! If our country is going to war and we are lacking soldiers, then i think that it is right to force capable citizens to fight for our freedom. But war isn't the only issue, we should be expected to volunteer or voice out opinions; get involved!
I believe that their is a limit though... not everyone should be required to serve in the military. Some people just aren't stable enough for that, physically or emotionally. There is also a limit to voicing opinions and volunteering. If everyone went to the government every time they they had an idea about a new law or an issue then it would be chaos! Likewise, if everyone always volunteered then regular jobs would suffer. Lets go with the happy medium!
I don't see anything wrong with requiring community service, but isn't that one of the reasons we pay taxes? So that we can pay people to do those kinds of things? And, then what would all the prisoners do? Just sit around and twittle their thumbs? I could go either way on this one.
When it comes to balancing social life with our responsibilities as a citizen i would say that everyone doesn't necessarily have to serve their county in all the same ways? They can find one or two that fit their lifestyle!
It is very important that we know the material on the citizenship test! If we expect foreign people to know that information, than at least we should!
I'm thinking in opposite terms as Katie and Mr. Veliz. In stead of lowering our standards for immigrants, we should raise our standards for natural born citizens. Possibly by requiring that by a certain age all natural born citizens have passed this test.


Anonymous said...

To be a good citizen, to me, means following your values and morals in life. Doing what is good to you, whether it be helping he environment, helping others, or helping yourself.
I think that forcing someone to volunteer completely destroys the point of volunteering. it is supposed to be a choice, something you do out of the good of your heart. If forced then it will become a hassle, not a good deed.
I think that our country enforcing laws that demand we go to war is understandable but, on my side, wrong. our country is known for its freedom and diversity of people. The choice if we want to risk our lives in a hostile war zones should not be mandatory. Kelly brought up that they might be physically, or emotionally unstable. Yet, if the government were to know your status in life, or even your mood, I would find that an invasion of privacy.
i believe that children should be taught more about the country, or just advance the lessons so that they know most of what is on the test by the time they turn 14. but along with our country they should advance the lessons on other countries, so that we are knowledgeable about the whole world, not just our little corner.
I agree with kelly on the social issues... hi kelly!

Anonymous said...

In my eyes being active in your communtiy is something that is very important. Although i don't agree with making a community service law. I think poeple should be able to do what they want when they want.

About the military involvement law; I also donot agree with this. Having every person in America serve in the military at some point in their lives would be total overpopulation and to be truthful, overkill.We have the most advanced military in the world. We don't need THAT much manpower considering we have many weapons that would pack a particularly deadly punch. Having too many troops would also be like genocide because with that many ground troops wars would not last very long. This is not me saying that we should end the military alltogether. Because if their were no troops we would have no choice but to use those weapons, and we can't go around using Weapons of Mass Destruction or dropping atomic bombs every time we get involved in a war.

Now lets talk some turkey about the citizenship test. I don't think immagrants should have to take this test. What's the use? Why should you have to know about the history of our country just to be a citizen. I mean what are we trying to prove. That our nation knows more about it's history than any other? I don't think there should be a requitrment such as that to live in the place where everyone wants to be. Plus the average Joe American dude probably wouldn't pass in flying colors (he might no pass at all). However there should be some resriction for foriegners to move here. For example; I don't know about you but if Osama Ben Laden got off a plane in New York and said, "I want to be an American citizen, I know all about the history of this place" would you say, "cool hop in the car I'll take you to D.C. to be tested."? Probably not right?

To make a long story short we should be able to choose what we do in our lives and their should be no citizen history test.

Anonymous said...

Well Margot you took the words right out of my mouth. Especially since that's what I said yesterday night to you.

To be a good citizen, personally, i believe that you should keep up with the news, do what you can to save the environment, and help out around your community. I as well, disagree with Kelly Ann because community service is a service. Not a requirement. Nor should it ever be.
Requiring that every capable person serve time in war is sacrilegious! I believe Kelly Ann is incorrect on her views for this topic. I also do not understand how you could be emotionally up to par?
Now on the subject if citizenship test, I agree with Margot again. People should learn about all of the 102 questions on the test by the time your like, say, in the 9 grade.
If you have followed my instructions then, in my opinion, you are what it takes to make a good citizen.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Katie, In order to be a good citizen to have to be able to understand good morals. If a human being itself cannot comprehend the intensity of morals, what makes you think it can understand citizenship? Most Americans should know the answers to the citizenship test but as you can see, many of us do not. this does drag a burden on America because foreigners are beginning to know more about this country then the citizens ourselves. Morality is once again a very strong point in this issue, Morality usually comes with responsibilities.


Anonymous said...

I think that in order to be a good citizen you must understand you country first. As sad as it is most of do not know the answers to many of the questions on the test that was given but i do believ that to a certian extreme thats ok. Even if we know and understand it that doesnt mean that we will remember it! I kindof disagree with katie on the fact that you most not go to jail to be a good citizen, as long as it wasnt anything serious. On the other hand i dont think that its necessary for the govorment to make people go into the army of any type of national gard. That decisoin should be one that is made on your own it should be somthing to be proud of not something that you hate to do it should be an honor.

Anonymous said...

well, i think that Margot brought up some good points that i overlooked. for example, she makes a very good point about volunteering and how if it is required that it kind of defeats some of it's purpose.
She also makes a good argument on keeping war optional but i still stand my ground.

Anonymous said...

I think in order for people to be considered a good citizen, we need to be respectful to others, environmentally friendly, and as a citizen, it is our responsibility to stay involved with our community/country.
All people have to do to stay green is to pick up trash or garbage thats on the ground and throw it away. Another thing people can do is recycle. Even though im not one of those big recycling fanatics, I still think every little bit could help.
I think its a good thing to make immigrants take the test to become a U.S. citizen. But i also think people that are born a citizen should be required to take a test in 8th grade and score a 70% or higher in order to graduate to high school. I mean, if people that werent even born here should have to know this stuff, why shouldn't we.
Lastly i think it was smart to require community involvement in high school so everyone can give back to their community. But, i think a standard of 2 years of required military should appl to all people after they come out of college. It would teach alot of bad people discipline and the crime rate would hopefully drop. Its worked wih alot of other countries, so why not us.
All of these are things that i think would make a good citizen.

Anonymous said...

I believe a good citizen is someone who doesn't mind doing things for his/her's community. I think they should be willing to at least do something good for their community once in a while, like picking up litter around places. Vollunteering at an afterschool or senior center. You don't have to do big things just to be active in your community or to be a good citizen. I also agree with Margot M. She said, "To be a good citizen, to me, means following your values and morals in life. Doing what is good to you, whether it be helping he environment, helping others, or helping yourself" I believe that is VERY true.

Also, I strongly agree on what Tom E. Noted. He said,

"Now lets talk some turkey about the citizenship test. I don't think immagrants should have to take this test. What's the use? Why should you have to know about the history of our country just to be a citizen. I mean what are we trying to prove. That our nation knows more about it's history than any other? " -Tom E

I also don't believe immigrants should take that test. If We, who lived in the United States all our lives were asked the same questions that the immigrants have to answer we wouldn't know half the stuff. So why do the immigrants have to? Sure it's nice to know the history, and educate yourself about the branches and government but I see no point in it.

To be a good citizen we shouldn't take living in the USA for granted. Only because men and women risked alot just so we could live free, and tons of people can't live in a place where we don't have to always worry about paying bills or if we're going to eat tonight.

We also (people who are old enough) should vote. Or make plans for the future so we can vote. Many people have faught just so we could vote. Men AND women. So it's not fair to the ones who risked everything so we'd have that right if none of us even consider voting for president. It's a big deal choosing who's going to lead this country. So adults should vote, to make them more of a good citizen.

So basically to break things down to my point of view...a good citizen should have these qualities or should do these things:
-They shouldn't mind to be asked to do community services or work
-They should definately vote (the ones who are old enough)
-They should also not take living in the USA for granted

--Ayana T--

Anonymous said...

Excellect views on staying involved with your community. I agree with you 100% when you say people need to recycle.

On the millitary thing:
If you have read my comment, you see that my views are different than your's, although you make a fair and highly accurate statement. Millitary discipline would almost surely reduce the crime rate in our contry.

Anonymous said...

Tom, I completely agree with your views on the military. It would be completely insane to send so many to the war at once. I think we should send a reasonable amount in the war, and then, if we need more, we send more(people that are willing to risk their lives to go for their country). If we sent so many, what if Osama Bin Ladin sent weapons of mass destruction at that HUGE army?
"Having too many troops would also be like genocide because with that many ground troops wars would not last very long."

Although I agree completely with your views on military, I disagree with your views on the naturalized citizen test. I think that we should have the questions. I mean, nobody is gonna let somebody with the name or face of Osama Bin Ladin on a flight to the U.S. unless, he hijacked a plane or flew out of Iran. If nobody knows anything about our country, how can they be a citizen? To improve our(born Americans) standards on the test I think they should teach U.S. history in social studies classes at least 1 8th of every school year(unless you are in U.S. history).

To conclude, on the topics of being a good citizen, I think that we should all do community work, but not make it a law. We should re-cycle things that should be re-cycled. And last but not least, we should follow the law and keep our community nice to be a good citizen.

Anonymous said...

Ah! And one more thing i forgot Justin: It's about recycling discarded items.America is actually doing quite good with recycling, I'm sorry I didn't mention this before.
I was drinking a pepsi once on my way to Arizona. We all know about Pepsi's ever-changing can graphics.
I was bored and decided to look at this can. At first glance i saw many fingerprints. I then spun the can slowly in my hand. The text read "Have you left your mark? Thank's to recycling, every soda can in America is now made of at least 50% recycled aluminum."

just a little fun fact I felt like sharing.

-That is all

Anonymous said...

I think that being a good citizen takes not necessarily you to have to donate lots of money, and volunteer for every little thing that comes up in your community, but i do think you should volunteer for a few things every year at least, and if you cant do that then you can donate money or do SOMETHING that can impact the US for the better. I definitely agree with Margo on the fact that Volunteering should be something you VOLENTER for, not be forced into doing.
I don’t think enough American citizens vote. Lots of kids are sitting around, and they can’t wait until their 18, so they can vote, and yet there are Millions of adults out that can vote, but don’t!
I don’t think requiring citizens to serve in the military for a few years would be a good idea. However, I think that if we could make people more aware of what is going on with the military, and make the soldiers more recognized, I think more people would want to be in the military.
I agree with tom and think that we shouldn’t give the test to immigrants, or we should at least make US Citizens take it when they turn 18. It doesn’t seem fair that the Immigrants are supposed to know more about our history than we do! I don’t now if the people who make the test know this, but most natural born us citizens in the us would be probably not be able to even pass the test.

Unknown said...

Good job so far. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Kelly Ann, i totally agree with your point on being a good citizen. Your right... citizens should be active, by listening to the news, voting, helping the environment, volunteering or maybe even donating money to different organizations!

I believe that citizens should serve their communities or nations. I agree with Margot that you can't force people to volunteer. It should be up to you to decide what to do even if its something little, as long as your helping you country no matter how big or how little you are. Personally i think that some people in this country aren't capable of serving in the military.
I think it's wrong for a country to make people risk there life's at war. Didn't many people come here for the freedom, what kind of freedom make you practically kill your self? None that i know of!
I think that there should be a requirement to community service, when i think of requirements i think of the amount of hours, or what your doing. I think that you should serve at least a hour on community service. But i do agree with Kelly about the taxes, so I'm neutral on this one. On the whole balancing social life with our responsibilities, again i agree with Kelly, people should do the right thing, maybe community service, people don't have to do it the same thing. They can find something that fits their life style!

The citizen test, i have to say I FAILED! I think that it is necessary to know that questions on that test. I think that most U.S citizens don't know half of it and it isn't fair to make immigrants answer and study for it. They should think about maybe asking fewer or easier questions.

Here are the names i mentioned above that i really liked/agreed with what they wrote- Margot and Kelly!
Go look if yall have time!
This was fun, but i think the box to write the comments in needs to be bigger! LOL.


Anonymous said...

first, what is up with Osama Ben Laden! he seems to be getting pretty popular! everyone seems concerned with the security and the standards to becoming an American citizen. i think that that is just something we are going to have to live with until someone invents a device that can judge someone's character, because how can you know?! you can't, but I'm sure that they do the best they can as far as background checks and such.
second, i feel like some people are leaning toward getting rid of the citizenship test for immigrants! i think that the test is very important in that it builds respect for our country. if you were going to take that test and needed to get all 102 questions right then after all that studying, tell me that you don't have greater respect for the USA. and also it restricts the number of immigrants we have in this country. with out anything people will just start poring in from all over the world and it would be a complete disaster!
Justin: what makes you think that people wont join the army and then two years later get out and be fitter and stronger that ever and just turn into a big secret gang that massacres thousands of people but frames others and the government never suspects a thing because they were in the army? what do you think about that?!
Tom: be careful! Pepsi cans are like the internet, you can't trust everything you read! and don't forget cyber safety! if someone sends you a message through a Pepsi can to meet them in the middle of the woods and to not tell anyone where you are, that don't! just because it's not a computer doesn't mean its OK to "help look for his lost puppy"! jk! lol!

Anonymous said...

I think if someone get in trouble, like going to jail, as long it was for something that was right or should be right, then they should stilll be considered a good citizen. For example if someone was trying to save an environment when bilders are trying to build something for a buisness right over the homes then that person or us should do something about it. I do agree though that if you can do something about it without getting in trouble then you should do that.
A good citizen is also some one who serves our country whether if they are in the military, a police man, the president, or even someone who just cleans up around environment.

Anonymous said...

Okay, everyone is giving their oppinion about that if you go to to jail, it makes you a bad citizen. In my oppinion i think that If you go to Jail but not for a right reason, it still makes you a good citizen. I mean come on yall, MLK went to jail for standing up for what he believes in.

Dave you had good points in yout paragraphs. :)

Anonymous said...

To be a good citizen you have to be a good person for one, two dont do bad things like suiside, homiside, or robbing a bank or something. Three you should try at least to help the earth with polution. I think learning the information about a country is very important, because its kinda sad how we know nothing about our country yet we live in it.
Angel i agree with you about how you go to jail ur instintly a bad citizen, because some people that have gone to jail were actually a very good citizen!

Anonymous said...

Kelly-anne, I disagree with your most recent feelings on the test.
I think I scored pretty horribly but that doesn't make less respective of my country. I probably got like a 40-50% but I don't go around saying
"AMERICA SUCKS" to every body.
And no Osama is not one of my "peeps" or anything. It's just that he's really infamous in the eyes of Americans because of 9/11.
I definetly would say what if Hitler stepped off a plane but he can't step off of planes because he's dead.

Anonymous said...

Tom: i meant taking the test, period. Now i did say that studying also builds respect, but i never by any means meant that if you failed that you don't respect it. I bombed and i still have an enormous amount of love for my country!

Anonymous said...

Angel: I completely agree with what you said about going to jail. MLK did go to jail, and also gave black people their freedom.
Kelly: I disagree with what you said about the citizen test. You think that if I or you fail that test, we are horrible citizens? Then wouldn't everybody in our class be a bad citizen including you? And also tell me how a person could TYPE something on a Pepsi can through the internet??? What does that have to do with cybersafety?

Anonymous said...

Angel: I completely agree with what you said about going to jail. MLK did go to jail, and also gave black people their freedom.
Kelly: I disagree with what you said about the citizen test. You think that if I or you fail that test, we are horrible citizens? Then wouldn't everybody in our class be a bad citizen including you? And also tell me how a person could TYPE something on a Pepsi can through the internet??? What does that have to do with cybersafety?

Anonymous said...

i agree with dave,
if you fail that test, which i am like 95% sure that everyone did in our class, it doesn't make you a bad citizen. i still think you need to know the stuff on the test!


Anonymous said...

OK dave I think you missunderstood.
I used the word "text" menaing words/info, like a "text"book.
And what I meant about the graphics is- if you buy a 12 pack of pepsi often, the 12 cans inside have differnet can graphics than the one you bought 2 days ago (literally). And the thing about the internet is- if you ever take the time to read a can it says- "go to DESIGNOURPEPSICAN.COM and creat your own design, who knows it may end up on the can someday."

And that particular 12-pack had cans that talked about recycling and how we're doing a good job.

Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way- it has nothing to do with cybersaftey. I didn't even mention cybersaftey.

Anonymous said...

I think that to be a good citizen is to be someone who cares about the place they live in. People should be able to make some decisions but others like voting and helping your communities should be required. I also think that American citizens should take the citizenship test every few years to stay updated about their country. I still think immigrants should take the citizenship test because I think before entering a new country you should know a little information about it. If you think about it, 104 questions for freedom is a small price to pay.

Anonymous said...

Tom:I was not talking about what you said about cyber saftey. Kelly said that you better watch out for you saw on a Pepsi can, bottle, whatever, and said that that was cyber saftey.

Anonymous said...

oh sorry dave i din't mean to say you were stupid in any way... or did I?

Anonymous said...

I fell left out for not blogging twice so here we go. On the Military question.

Why must we sacrifice our American citizen's lives for freedom, when forcing them to go is a complete hypocritical situation.

If our country were truly "free" Freedom of speech may actually exist along with military choice. Our Country doesnt have Free speech anymore. If you say one thing that may be offensive to one individual, you could lose millions. That is Free speech.

Back onto the military line it is the same situation. If you decide not to serve your country, you face jail or massive fines. I do NOT hate America. Just some of its rules/boundaries.

Anonymous said...

To be a good citizen i think that you have to have a good education and help out the community. By having a good education i mean to focus on school and do your best. And if you see that you are not doing well in school, dont be discourage because thats what alot of students do. They get discourage and think they cant do it and stop trying or drop out of school. Education is important, i dont mean you have to be a "Smarty Pants" but at least try and dont give up. I agree with Kelly because you have to be active. You dont want to stay home and have a shell from everybody else, you wanna open up and help your community. In Hebrew we would call a good deed a "Mitzvah" and alot of times we would go to homeless shelters and feed the homeless or go to organazations like "Echo" and give canned foods and help them with whatever they need. Doing a part in your community dosnt mean you have to do something big and everybody has to know about it, you could plant a tree and you would know that you did something for the eviornment and fell proud of yourself. So thats it. And Im tired so im going to bed. By Blogging People!!!

Anonymous said...

Heyyy! Wow, ya'll had some great points! I agree with KAK, Justin, Tom, Dave, and Dalton. Ya'll were funny and creative. Very nice! Oh, and by the way, A period destroyed ya'll in number of comments! (Us=117, Ya'll=32)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I agree with Darya and Joesph also!

Anonymous said...

thanks, and holy moley we need to start blogging more people. but we r the funny one and orginal 1.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

who is monkey boy?? is it u dalton????

Anonymous said...

Justin's a blueberry! A periods the coolest! Ya'll had good points.

Anonymous said...

FORGET WHAT DARYA SAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


<3 Emma.....